Call of duty cold war beta times
Call of duty cold war beta times

call of duty cold war beta times

However, I was extremely impressed with how quickly matches were set up. Also added were four more maps making the playable maps Farm 18, Valderas Museum, Mercado Las Almas and Breenbergh Hotel.īecause this is a beta, glitches, connectivity issues and framerate drops are supposed to be a common occurrence. As the beta continued into the weekend, Search and Destroy, Prisoner Rescue, Domination and Knock Out modes were added to the lineup. When the beta first began, there was only one map available and Team Deathmatch. That beta ended on the 20th and Xbox and PC pre-orders can join the second beta test beginning on the 22nd. We got a taste of what is to come with this highly anticipated release, but was it delicious?Ĭall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is set to release October 28th but the beta that began on September 16th was exclusive to Playstation pre-orders (it eventually opened to all PlayStation gamers). The wait is over with the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta this last weekend.

call of duty cold war beta times

Where I personally enjoyed each game that was released, I had my own little Negative Nancy on my shoulder whispering how much they missed new content for Modern Warfare. Vanguard was another WWII game and didn’t play as well as Modern Warfare. Ever since 2020, I have had to listen to my husband complain about how that year’s Call of Duty just wasn’t as good as Modern Warfare.

Call of duty cold war beta times